
Making crap to hit deadline

Of course this works, and of course the other part (and then cleaning up the mess afterwards) doesn’t. If you have to clean things up afterwards, the only way is to sacrifice your own spare time.

I’ve never been allowed to do “code improvements” after feature perceivably works. “It works, go on with the next task! Can’t you see how far behind schedule are we?”. No one builds the perfect thing first time, and sadly I often find that my newborn code is not of high enough quality to be sufficiently maintainable. This is reality. I can write good code, but only when I spend some iterations improving it. I cannot make it good enough first time. Yes, it may be possible to do this, but only when working on familiar problem nth time. For instance good OO skills may do half the job, but what remains, the problem domain, and I don’t see a way to model it perfectly the first time.

I don’t want to work on the same damn problem for the nth time…

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